Berkeley Springs Treasure Tour:
Wading Pools

tour-wadingpoolSeveral springs are sourced in the area south of the drinking spring, filling stone pools and a concrete spillway that provide memorable wading areas for children and adults, and the largest public display of water among all the springs that line the Blue Ridge.

The pool closest to the drinking spring holds the noted sinking sands area where springs can be seen boiling through the sandy bottom of the pool.

In winter, the pools and spillway are filled with steam as the warm waters hit cold air. Summer finds this area filled with audiences for the summer concert series held on Saturday afternoons.

During the 1780s, there were terraces in these areas. Rustic cedar bridges were built in 1927. A few giant oaks remain from the 19th century when the park was filled with the great trees and known far and wide as the fashionable Grove. Mothers of marriageable daughters would bring them to “summer at Bath” where, dressed in their finery, they would stroll the walkways along the ridge-side of the park hoping to catch the eye of eligible bachelors.

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