Berkeley Springs Treasure Tour:
Warm Springs Lookout Tower

tour-lookouttowerStairs leading partly up the hill next to the drinking spring are all that remain of a path to the late 19th century Lookout Tower on Warm Springs Ridge which provided spectacular views of the park and town. The tower was burned in 1883 but Warm Springs Ridge remains. From time immemorial, the sandstone ridge, rising 450′ above the valley, has been the setting for the warm, mineral springs that issue from its east side. The springs discharge from 1000 to 2000 gallons of clear, sparkling water per minute at the uniform and invariable temperature of 74°F from five principal sources and numerous lesser ones all within a hundred yards along the base of the ridge. Mineral content of the water is primarily magnesium carbonate with traces of other mineral chlorides, sulphates, nitrates and carbonates.


Click here for an interactive map of the Treasure Tour of Berkeley Springs State Park.