Coolfont Resort

In 1756, a British veteran of General Edward Braddock’s defeat during the French and Indian War built a cabin near cool springs in the Sir John’s Run Valley along the eastern slope of Cacapon Mountain. More than 150 years later, prolific author, ecologist and presidential appointee, Herbert Quick, chose the same site to live out his “back-to-the-farm” philosophy. In 1910, Quick built the stately Manor House, pond and several outbuildings as the centerpiece of his experimental farm. He called it Coolfont in honor of the springs. The Manor House is listed on the National Historic Register.

This early environmentalist and conservationist would be proud of today’s incarnation of his farm.

Coolfont Resort was created by Sam Ashelman and Rol and Alden Capen in 1965. The six-bedroom Manor House now serves as a private home. Quick’s cool springs provide the resort’s water supply. An underground tunnel leads from the mansion to a small springhouse.

Coolfont is a full-service resort with a restaurant, indoor salt water pool and gym. Among its miles of mountain hiking trails is the Green Trail to historic Prospect Rock where George Washington often rode.

Turn from Rt. 9 about 1 mile west of Berkeley Springs onto Cold Run Valley Rd.